Financial Planning • Cinergy Financial

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Financial Planner in Orange County

Financial Planner in Orange County

I’ve been a financial planner in Orange County for many years, and I’ve helped hundreds of people reach their retirement goals. As the founder and CEO of Cinergy Financial, we take pride in not only offering ongoing education and guidance, we also take time and...

Risk Management Financial Risk Planning

Risk Management Financial Risk Planning

Financial risk is the potential to lose some or all of your investment capital. Individual investors face financial risk whenever they invest their money. Financial markets also face risk, “due to various macroeconomic forces, changes to the market interest rate, and...

How to Plan Your Financial Future

People often dream of a financial future that is in direct conflict with their current reality. The question of how to plan your financial future requires specific and detailed action steps. For example, rather than having a vague idea that you want to retire...

Investment Strategy Models

Investment strategy models are often derived from an investment philosophy, which is a, “set of beliefs and principles that guide an investor’s decision-making process.”1 Examples of investment philosophies include value investing, which focus on shares that an...