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Take The First Steps To Securing Your Retirement

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It Starts With Financial Literacy

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Cindy Couyoumjian, CFP® Featured On:

Financial Literacy

Promote Education & Knowledge
Builds Confidence
Uncover Hidden Economic & Political Forces

Baby Boomer & Millennial Retirement Advice

Outdated 60/40 Model
Dynamic Diversification
Managing Sequence of Return Risk

The REALM® Model

Pre and Post Retirees
Building a Sustainable Retirement
Legacy Planning

COVID-19 Advice

Portfolio Recovery
Managing Risk
Revisiting Asset Allocation


At Cinergy Financial, our mission is to empower investors with information and knowledge to help navigate through the complex world of finance. We believe this new found knowledge will help investors change their investment mindset, potentially improve their investment outcome and potentially provide a sustainable retirement.

Financial Industry Awards &  Nominations: